Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Gas Authority of India Ltd. (CMP:Rs.260, FY10E - PE : 11x)

Huge expansion ahead, pipeline network to nearly double in next

3-4 years

During the management meet, GAIL has indicated that the company is very bullish on

the growth of natural gas market in India, and to capture the full benefit, GAIL is

continuing the huge capex plan planned earlier. The company is in the process of

expanding the gas pipeline network from 7000 km currently to 12500 km in next 3-4

years at a capex of around Rs 200 bn. As far as financing is concerned, the company

has already tied up for Rs 120 bn and we don’t expect any difficulty in financing the rest

considering comfortable debt/equity ration and huge investments in ONGC and other

listed companies.

Three of the major pipelines are being completed in phase 1, which will be ending in

2010. In addition, GAIL has planned 3 more pipelines in phase 2, which will be completed by


Post the expansion total transmission capacity will increase from 150 mmscmd to 300

mmscmd, which will be sufficient to transport all the available gas which includes RIL

gas as well as gas expected from new LNG capacities. Combined with revenue from

petrochemicals, the company has ambitious plan to increase the topline to Rs 50,000-

Rs 60,000 crore by the end of 11th five year plan from current levels of around Rs

23,000 crore.

Sufficient spare capacity available, expect at least 2/3rd of RIL gas

to flow through GAIL network

Management also clarified the market’s doubts regarding lack of spare capacity in HBJ

pipeline, and clarified that sufficient spare capacity is available and the company expects

at least 2/3rd of KG D6 gas to flow through its network. In addition, the company is also

mapping the progress of laying pipelines with incremental gas supply coming in to

ensure that whenever incremental gas supply comes in, the company is ready with the

gas transmission infrastructure to transport it to end customers. GAIL also indicated

that there is sufficient spare capacity for the first 40 mmscmd coming out from RIL , and stated that HBJ and DVPL pipelines together have 15 mmscmd spare capacity,

which will be enhanced by another 10 mmscmd by end of FY10. With 8 mmscmd

expected to flow through GAIL’s AP pipelines and another 8 mmscmd through DUPL

pipeline in Maharashtra, GAIL aims to transmit at least 30 mmscmd of KG gas once

production ramps up to 40 mmscmd.

Tariff charges for existing pipelines expected to remain at current


GAIL management is confident on the issue of regulatory risk to pipeline tariffs, and

stated that they see no reduction in tariffs of the core HBJ/DVPL network following

introduction of regulation on the ground that these were decided in the past by the

government itself. This is in-line with our estimate of flat transmission tariffs gong forward.

Company focusing on increasing petrochemical capacity

In addition to gas transmission, another segment on which the company is betting big

is petrochemical segment, which contributes nearly 50% to the bottom line. Currently

GAIL has a total petrochemical capacity of 440000 MT in Pata, which will increase to

500000 MT with the commissioning of 6th furnace. The company is looking to double


Capacity of Pata plant in next 4-5 years. Also, the company ahs plans to set up one

petrochemical plant outside India, which according to our view will take a long time to


CGD and E&P the next growth driver

Going forward, Gail is also focusing on city gas distribution front. The company already

operates CGD networks in several key cities via nine JVs, and plans to

expand this further to more cities. E&P is another area where GAIL is seeking

diversification and is actively bidding for NELP blocks. Currently the company has stake

in 30 blocks, and in future if there is any success in exploration efforts, we expect

significant re-rating of the stock.

No plans to list Gail gas

GAIL has spun off gas marketing business into a new company, which was on the

expected lines as the company was already keeping separate books for both the

businesses. GAIL will focus only on transmission and petrochemical business, and the

new company GAIL Gas (GGL) will run the marketing and city gas distribution

businesses from the next fiscal year. GGL will take over GAIL India’s marketing activities

like the city gas projects. The new entity will also distribute and market CNG for vehicles,

piped natural gas for domestic or industrial use and and auto LPG both in India as well

as abroad. It also plans to set up retail CNG and LNG outlets across the country

We do not see any impact on financials of the company as it is simply an accounting

exercise, and moreover the company has denied any plans to list the company on the

bourses. We see this move as purely a move to meet the policy guidelines as according

to the policy guidelines issued by the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board,

GAIL had to split its gas transportation business from the marketing and the trading

business. The policy was drawn to prevent unfair competition that resulted from the

ability of integrated companies like GAIL to cross-subsidise its activities.


After the recent run up, the stock is trading at 12.5x and 11x FY09E and FY10E earnings

respectively. Although we are bullish over the long term prospects of the company keeping

in view the huge upside in transmission volumes, over the near term in next 1-2 years,

we expect growth to remain muted mainly on account of poor performance of

petrochemical and LPG business. Petrochemical and LPG business, which currently

contributes around 50% to its profits are still in the downturn, and expected to remain

under pressure till global situation improves. Going forward, from FY08-FY11, we expect

earnings of the company to grow at a muted CAGR of 6.6% in spite of assuming 15.4%

CAGR in gas transmission volumes from 85 mmscmd in FY08 to 130 mmscmd in FY11.

In view of muted growth expected in next 2 years, s. Keeping in mind the decent gains posted by the stock

in the recent market rally. ------L.KANNAN